You’ll pass our test when you answer 21 of the 25 questions correctly. We encourage that you reference the handbook for more information on those questions you may have trouble with. Remember, there are no hints on the actual state exam! When you answer a question incorrectly, we’ll provide you with the correct answer and an explanation. If you’re not sure of the answer, use our hint feature it will help you make the right choice. Only one answer is correct for each question, so make sure you have carefully read all the options before choosing the one you think is best. Individuals must be at least 15.5 years of age to take the Arizona permit test. This comes out to a minimum passing score of 80. Of those 30 questions, individuals will need to answer 24 of those questions correctly to pass the exam. Each question has four answers to choose from. The Arizona permit driving test is made up of 30 total questions. Our free practice test contains 25 multiple-choice questions. For best results, please read the manual thoroughly before attempting this practice test. Although passing our practice test will not result in your motorcycle endorsement, it is a great study tool! All of our questions is based on the information found in the Arizona Motorcycle Operator Manual. This test should be taken by anyone who is preparing to write the actual state exam. Here is our free Arizona Motorcycle Endorsement Practice test.